Evolution of the conception of Faculty Promotion in the Context of Policy Discourses

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 Tehran University

3 Doctor of Educational Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University


Research on faculty promotion confirms that no study has been conducted on the concept of promotion in Iranian higher education. Therefore, purpose of this critical study is to reveal the meaning of promoting faculty members as part of the semantic network of the Iranian higher education system. There has been limited substantive and analytical research into what the meaning and concept of promotion policies is in embedded policy texts. Therefore, in this study, the essence of the meaning of promotion of faculty members in Iranian higher education has been analyzed. The policy texts related to promotion was used to collect the data. The findings showed that faculty promotion policies in Iran, influenced by the discourses of higher education, have dominated the faculty-oriented work environment, in a way that promotion the concept in terms of the measurable economic value that academics produce. However, their professionalism is on the verge of disappearing.


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