Designing a pattern of civil society (non governmental organizations) stakeholders’ management in social media

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Media Management, Kish International Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kish Island, Iran

2 Department of Media and Communication Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran (Corresponding Author)

3 Department of Management, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Today, the use of social media in Iranian non-governmental organizations, such as government and public organizations, has expanded and its necessity has been identified. Due to external organizational factors such as technological infrastructure, policy, political and cultural, as well as internal factors such as technological constraints, managerial readiness, diversity of stakeholders with their differences, NGOs need a suitable model for using social media. are . This study seeks to provide a model for stakeholder management and how to interact with them in NGOs on social media.

This study is a combination. First, semi-structured interview questions were designed according to the research literature. Content analysis identified interview texts, questionnaires, indicators and categories. The statistical population was selected from the stakeholders of Saman and the questionnaires were distributed online. The results of regression and path analysis by quantitative method plus indicators and components extracted from interviews by qualitative method were provided to the focus group and led to the achievement of the model.

Based on the proposed model for targeted use of social media; reforming the organizational structure, increasing holistic knowledge, identifying different stakeholders and choosing the appropriate strategy of information, grouping, marketing to achieve functional indicators of success of social media in social media, including attraction ( Volunteers and public donations), increase the trust and loyalty of stakeholders, capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, empowerment.


Main Subjects

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