MODERN DIPLOMACY; Case study of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD in International Relations, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran.


With the evolution of the international system, traditional diplomacy will not be able to solve emerging problems. Therefore, there is a need for new diplomacy based on new principles and logic. Assuming the intertwining of the field of foreign policy and the environment of diplomacy, this study tries to answer the question: what are the principles and foundations of diplomacy in the current situation? Also, what will be the Iranian diplomacy in the new situation? In response to this question, it is hypothesized that with the change in the environment of diplomacy, the rules of diplomacy are out of the traditional mode and new principles and rules have governed diplomacy, and accordingly, new diplomacy has replaced traditional diplomacy with its own principles and rules. Thus modern diplomacy imposes its requirements on international actors including; Iran imposes. Ignoring such rules leads to the failure of diplomacy and the loss of power and opportunities to achieve goals through diplomatic means.


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