A Comparison Study of Iranian and Japanese educational policy at Elementary level

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Phd Student of Public Policy, Qom Islamic Azad University

2 Assistant Professor, Qom Islamic Azad University


Comparative education is an area through which education system of a country is analyzed by utilizing data and educational systems of other countries and policies for improving education are developed. By studying and analyzing the educational system of Japan for the critical and crucial level of elementary education and adjusting it to the elementary educational System in Iran, this study is also to help improving the quality of elementary education in Iran. Therefore, the main question this study addresses is: "considering the education system in Japan, what is the main factor behind relative inefficiency of elementary education system in Iran?” The initial answer (hypothesis) is: “The main reason for the relative inefficiency of elementary education system in Iran, compared to Japan, is the low levels of the significant element of interaction in the elementary education system in Iran in its various forms and levels.” The present study is comparative and requires describing and analyzing the phenomena associated with each of the two elementary education systems in Japan and Iran. To reach this purpose purpose, the six-step method of comparative study by David Philips is applied. Research findings also confirm the research hypothesis.


Main Subjects

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