Designing a Competency Model for Top Public Administrators with Meta-synthesis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student, Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of BusinessA dministration, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Management, ImamS adiq University, Tehran, Iran

4 Associate Professor, Department of Public Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The fundamental essential for success and sustainability of social systems toward the progress is principle of meritocracy. Moreover, the ever-increasing development of societies, beside governments efforts to increase the quality and efficiency of public sector services and to improve the leadership of government agencies have turned governments' attention to the importance of training and employing competent leaders and administrators more than ever. Therefore, designing a competency model for top public administrators is a fundamental priority for governments. Considering the importance of this issue, the present study, focused on the design of a competency model for top public administrators and since literature analysis is an important step to draw up a comprehensive picture of it, the researcher decided to analyze them through meta-synthesis. In this study, at the first step, through a deep search in literature, gained 151 references; which in a refinement reduced to 82 one’s. Then, 680 codes were extracted which through analysis and conclusion deducted to 63 sub-concepts, 9 concepts and 3 categories as follows: individual competencies (intrinsic, value, attitudinal-behavioural, and occupational), scientific competencies and skill competencies (managing, cognitive, interactive, leading and political).


Main Subjects

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