Analysis of the impact of the Political culture in unstable political development in Iran (1941-1953)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD. Student in Political Sociology, Department of Political Sciences, Faculty of Administrative and Economic Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of International Relations and Political Sciences, Shahreza Branch, Islamic Azad University, Isfahan, Iran


The study of the causes and factors of underdevelopment in the period between 1941 and 1953 has been considered by some scholars, but most of them have contemplated the lack of development from the morphology of political power and foreign intervention but in the present study, it has been tried to address the effects of deficiencies and inefficiencies of political culture on the underdevelopment in the first decade after Reza Shah to the coup d'état of August 28, 1953.
This investigation with the descriptive- analytical approach is trying to make this question that, What is the effect of political culture on the instability of Iran's political development from the occupation of Iran up to the August 28 coup?
This research is based on the presumption that Iranians selfishness, reluctance to the group working, having the culture of subordination, law-breaking, heroism, the cult of personality, violence, opportunism and finally conspiracy illusion are some obstacles of the political developments during 1941- 1953 ; and this factors in historical studies for instability of political development in a given period have always been neglected. Based on the findings of the research, if the political culture of the people and the ruling elites in Iran during this period had a democratic mechanism, and instead of the destructive and retarded elements, it contained more rational and more civilized elements; the political development at this stage would allow for greater durability and deepening Found.


Main Subjects

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