Future rehabilitation and change in metaphors and myths; an old example of a sleeping beauty story

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of the Scientific Board of the Future Thinking Group, Research Center for National Scientific Policy, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD. Student in Future Thinking, Research Center for National Scientific Policy, Tehran, Iran.

3 PhD. Student in Future Thinking, Research Center for National Scientific Policy, Tehran, Iran

4 Ph.D. Student of Futures Studies


This paper explores the possibility of change in the future by changing the mind - set of its creators. For this purpose, the effect of stories on the attitude of children as one of the most important channels of content transfer (as one of the main creators of the future) has been studied. On this basis, considering the role of myth and metaphors in the formation of current society approaches, it can change attitude and vision in the next generation to have an alternative future. In this paper, using casual layered analysis method, the testing of two research hypotheses, different film versions of film and animation were analyzed by Walt Disney’s “Sleeping Beauty ", which was built for 55 years by the Disney company. It seems that in the new narrative, key concepts or schemas requiring change, such as xenophobia, democracy, respect for nature, the concept of true love, absolutism, and ethnic, racial and gender attitudes, are presented in a different way from the original narrative for children. The results of the research were evaluated in the first step in the focal group and then by using a questionnaire.
The results show that the key shortcomings have undergone a change in the more modern version. The change that is based on the casual layered analysis method can lead to a different future formation.


Main Subjects

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