A development Pattern for University-Based Innovation Ecosystems: The Case Study of Sharif innovation area

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Innovation Policy and Foresight Group, Technology Studies Institute, Presidency of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Tehran, Iran.

2 PhD., Department of Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Islamic Azad University, Iran


The university is not only one of the main and well-known components of most innovation ecosystems, but sometimes it is the core of the formation and development of an ecosystem. Identifying the factors affecting the formation and growth of a university-based innovation ecosystem is the main goal of this study. This qualitative study identifies the factors influencing the formation of university-based innovation ecosystems in developed countries by comparing them with a sample of these ecosystems in Iran as a developing country (Innovation Ecosystem of Sharif Industry). The specific challenges of this ecosystem and the alternative solutions used in it are identified and the formation pattern of this innovation ecosystem is explained. Data analysis of this study is theme analysis, and a network of factors affecting the formation of these ecosystems is formed. Based on the results of this research, the factors are classified into 4 main categories, including the type of collaborations, the way of institutionalization, activities, and characteristics of actors.


Main Subjects

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