Transition policies to knowledge-intensive agriculture in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Research Institute for Information and Communication Technology, Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR), Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Farabi Faculties, University of Tehran, Qom,, Iran


Some attributes of the agricultural sector in Iran are low Value-added, low amount of Total Factor Productivity, and a traditional structure, which facing these facts requires supporting agriculture through knowledge and technology. Therefore, the qualitative research was conducted to propose the policy tools for the transition to knowledge-intensive agriculture in Iran by identifying policy gaps and system failures in this field. In order to achieve the research goals, a literature review, a comparative study, and a focus group were used. The results of the comparative studies of the policy experiences of knowledge-intensive agriculture development in Iran, India, Turkey, and Switzerland led to the typology of the related policy tools in these countries. These results formed the input of the focus group meeting. The data from the focus group meeting was analyzed through thematic content analysis into the framework of system failures which led to the extraction of 51 challenges of knowledge-intensive agricultural development in Iran and 20 policy tools for the transition to knowledge-intensive agriculture.


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